article_25854With friends in town, a trip to Chatuchak Weekend Market (or Jatujak, or simply ‘JJ Market’) is usually on the menu.  While a visit to this sprawling covered flea market from hell (apparently the world’s biggest) is usually done as a last resort for expats living here (or unless you want some particularly unique things), tourists love it.  Everything from used Van sneakers to antique doorknobs to a menagerie of strange animals are available (although the last few times I was there, I couldn’t find that section any more), and it certainly makes for an interesting – and hot – day out, usually resulting in a taxi full of bags on the way home.

I went up with my visiting friends C & E last weekend and showed them around, with our experience being pretty much exactly as I described above (except we took the skytrain to Pantip Plaza afterward, bags in tow).  Much like seeing more than 5 or 6 temples in a single day, things all started looking similar after a while, and C & E mercifully gave the ‘all clear’ signal, and we retreated.  It sure takes a lot out of you, though, as the place is just massive.  If you make it up, be sure to bring some comfortable shoes, and remember to keep drinking water.

Google Earth shows just how big JJ Market is.

Google Earth shows just how big JJ Market is.

One of the last things we saw was these guys below, who came up with a unique way of making Thai iced tea which would often draw a small crowd – many of whom bought a cup of tea afterward.  Pretty shrewd.