Well, that was a long stretch with no updates – again. Freelance assignments are taking most of my time these days (not to mention a video game I downloaded against my better judgment), but it was a memorable week for another reason too – the one-year anniversary of the Bangkok Podcast. If you don’t know about that, well, click on the little box to the left and check it out. My buddy Tony Joh and I recorded our first show on May 17, 2010 and have done a show every week since then. It’s been a good time and we’ve had some pretty interesting guests. To celebrate, we decided to have a party, and with the help of some friends and sponsors, it was a great success.
We weren’t really sure where to have it at first but after talking with Andrew at Q Bar he very generously offered to give our guests a great deal – 500 baht entrance and all you drink booze! Good thing I’m not friends with too many alcoholics. We also contacted Eric at Bangkok Bagel Bakery and he, too, very generously offered to bring a few hundred mini-bagels to the party. For dessert, Sparkles Cupcakes donated a few plates of their delicious wares, and I called up my buddy Derek at Siam Wheels who offered to pony up for some beer if he could put a few flags up and park some of his badass bikes downstairs. We were set.

Some of our brochures at the party.
Doing a podcast for the past year has been a really great learning experience. Not only in terms of learning actually how the hell to make a podcast, but also in what we can do technically, socially, and networking-ly. Over the past year we’ve had some great guests and have slowly built up an impressive roster of shows. Monks, TV stars, ambassadors, authors, scholars, language experts, bloggers, musicians, students, and plain ol’ regular folks have come on the show to help us explore the strange, funny, odd, scary, and entertaining aspects of living in Bangkok. I think we had about 60 or 70 people in the end – a great success!

It’s been great so far, and I think we’ve tapped into part of what makes Bangkok what it is. Thanks for listening, everyone, and hope to see you at our next gig! Here’s a few photos of the event – a great time was had by all.

Brock and Eric talking about bagels. Or science. Or maybe ants. Who knows?

Waii and her friend wishing us happy birthday.

Greg and Tony, yukking it up.

Someone had too much to drink. Or not enough.

Ginger and Josh enjoying the fine company of each other.

Some of our brochures at the party.


Tony (left) and Tony (right) talk about things into the night.

Mango (left), the back of my head (middle), and Poom.
Congrats Greg and Tony. My Monday mornings are better because of you both.