25 03, 2010

Five Reasons You Should Definitely Visit Bangkok – and Five Reasons You Shouldn’t

2016-11-17T15:48:33+00:00Bangkok, Culture, Food, Thailand, Travel|8 Comments

Bangkok is kind of like a handlebar moustache – some people love them, some people hate them, but rarely will you find someone that says they don’t mind either way. If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts, you’ve likely come to the (correct) conclusion that I really dig this awful, amazing, ugly, beautiful city to the point where I rarely leave it. But as much I like it here, I can also see why people want to avoid the place like a barbed-wire hammock. I make no judgment either way, but after nearly a decade living in the Big Mango, here are my reasons why you should definitely spend some time here – and why you definitely shouldn’t.

15 03, 2010

Some Thoughts on the Red Shirts

2016-11-17T15:48:33+00:00Bangkok, Culture, Current Events, Politics, Thailand|0 Comments

There are a few things I generally try to avoid writing about on my blog, and politics is one of them. Part of it is due to the fact that I'm too busy to write regularly about such topical and quickly-evolving subjects, but mostly it's because there are other bloggers out there who speak much more eloquently on the whole shebang than I ever could. However, as I do often have an opinion or two, I thought I'd put up some pictures and write a short bit about the ongoing red shirt protest in Bangkok and how I feel about the whole mess.

6 03, 2010

Meanwhile, in Bangkok: Babysitting, 7-11 Style

2016-11-17T15:48:34+00:00Meanwhile in Bangkok...|0 Comments

I'll be the first to admit that I usually like children like I like a piece of plastic sitting on a table: quiet and not bothering me. But even a grumpy old fuddy-duddy like me occasionally enjoys the company of children and the unabashed evil innocence they display. With the knowledge that I - gasp! - may even have one myself one day, I've tried to soften up a bit as I lurch toward old(er) age. But when I saw this poor kid sitting in the 7-11, I didn't really know what to think. Pre-pubescent masochist? Victim of bullies? Or just one really bad babysitter? You decide.

15 02, 2010

ExciTED, MotivaTED, ExhausTED: Anatomy of a TEDx Conference

2016-11-17T15:48:34+00:00Bangkok, Culture, Movies, Music, Politics, Pop Culture, Technology, Thailand, Web Media|0 Comments

Up until about 6 months ago, I only had a few basic tatters of information about TED Talks. I knew it was an annual conference, or... something. I'd seen a few talks on the website and thought it was an interesting concept, but it was only when I was invited to help organize Thailand's first TEDx event, TEDxBKK (the 'x' stands for an independently organized TED event under the main TED umbrella), did I truly get an understanding of what a powerful, important and tremendously enjoyable event they can be. The big day was February 13, 2010, and it went of superbly, thanks to a great team that really personified what TED is all about. Another reason I got a backstage view of the whole thing? I was asked to be the host.

11 02, 2010

Forcing Yourself to Feel Lost Again is a Good Thing

2016-11-17T15:48:34+00:00Asia, Bangkok, Culture, Thailand, Travel|0 Comments

Momma always said that it’s very easy to get in what she called a ‘comfortable rut’, and she was right. After a while in any job/location/relationship/yoga position, you get comfortable; staying where you’re at is easier than moving on, and consequently, a lot of people never bother to change their situation. A drastic shakeup is usually not necessary, but a quick metaphorical head-shake is usually a great idea. That’s why as an expat, despite the fact you already live in an exotic land, it’s important to get out of Dodge every once in a while and get your compass realigned.

23 01, 2010

Sexpats, Thai Stereotypes, and the Pleasure in Avoiding Them (the Stereotypes)

2016-11-17T15:48:35+00:00Asia, Bangkok, Culture, Thailand|19 Comments

There are always tons of stereotypes for any situation/person/country, and even the best of us can’t help but fall victim sometimes. Indeed, I'd be a lot more nervous going on Jeopardy! if I was up against an Asian kid with glasses than I would against an unshaven dude from Alabama wearing a wifebeater. (Let's be honest, I'd probably lose to both). But in a country like Thailand, where political correctness has yet to take hold make an appearance, stereotypes are everywhere, and most have to do with ‘the sexpat’. Often times, they’re true, other times, they’re anything but. I know, because I’m (thankfully) a freak when it comes to many of the stereotypes in Thailand.

11 01, 2010

A Visit to Bangkok’s New One Stop Immigration Office

2016-11-17T15:48:35+00:00Bangkok, Thailand, Travel|7 Comments

Keeping on top of Thailand’s ever-changing visa and work permit regulations can be a pretty tiring job. Rules often vary from office to office and border crossing to border crossing, and updates, amendments and changes to the rules and overall system are hard enough to find in Thai, let alone English. Thankfully, there’s a small army of dedicated locals who like to post no-bull advice on their experiences, and this is the gist of this post – a visit to the One Stop Immigration office at their new location on Rama IV Road.

7 01, 2010

IMAX is Awesome – Except When They Lie

2016-11-17T15:48:35+00:00History, Movies, Pop Culture, Technology|3 Comments

(This post might get a bit technical and nerdy, but I'm technically a nerd, so no apologies).

There are many things that make me proud to be Canadian, such as our diverse cultural heritage, our laid-back nature and the fact that our cases of beer have handles big enough to allow mittens to fit through them. Another thing is that IMAX is actually a Canadian company, which not a lot of people know. But the way that the famous giant film screen company has been behaving lately has made me wonder what they're thinking. Indeed, their current expansion efforts are progressing in such a way that will likely piss people off, and may even kill the once-rad name.

28 12, 2009

Meanwhile, in Bangkok… Unholy Ice Cream Topping

2016-11-17T15:48:35+00:00Food, Meanwhile in Bangkok...|0 Comments

Thai food is, after Indian food, my all-time favorite cuisine in the world. Many people would call me crazy for even saying that, as Thai food is usually seen as the end-all, be-all food in terms of sheer taste bud-exploding goodness. Fair enough. But there is one thing that Thais have not yet nailed, and that's their desserts. Oh sure, the sticky rice and mango is to die for and here and there you'll find certain dishes that are okay, but the efforts often don't make it to what we as westerners would call 'palatable'. Exhibit A: an ice cream sundae with corn topping.

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