24 03, 2008

Putting The ‘Gig’ In ‘Adultery’

2016-11-17T15:49:04+00:00Thailand|0 Comments

Ahhh, the ambiguities of Thailand. I think I've included this phrase before in my blog, but my friend John summed it up quite nicely - "there are no rules in Thailand until there are rules. Then they're unbreakable." Finding a single reason for any problem is often impossible, in much the same way that finding two Thais to explain an aspect of Thailand to you the same way is also impossible. One of these is the concept of 'gig'. If you've been in Thailand for any length of time, you've likely heard the term, which can also be spelled 'kik', 'gik', 'kig' or any variation thereof. It pays to be familiar with the term, because you're probably going to be asked by someone (probably a taxi driver) if you have one. Basically, (very basically), a 'gig' is someone who is more than a friend but less than a boy/girlfriend. However, if you ask five different people, you'll get five different answers.

19 03, 2008

Dealing With Thai Taxis – And Their Drivers

2016-11-17T15:49:04+00:00Tips on Visiting|0 Comments

Bangkok's great in that there are a ton of ways to get around: taxi, tuk-tuk, motorcycle, river ferry, khlong ferry, bus, skytrain, subway... if you can combine methods of transport (train + bike + boat, for instance) you can often leapfrog your way across town surprisingly quickly. But nothing is more ubiquitous than the taxi. There are approximately nine kabazillion of the colorful chariots in Bangkok - some old, some new; some that smell nice, some that reek like death; some willing to help if you're lost, others willing only to drive you around in circles until you realize something's up. Lots of good stuff has been written about Bangkok taxis. I remember loving taxi rides in Japan, where all of them are impeccably clean, while the drivers wear a suit, a hat and gloves and are all exceedingly polite. I knew I was back in Thailand when my taxi at the airport was driven by a guy with no shoes, wearing ratty jeans and a wifebeater and munching on a huge bag of grasshoppers.

17 03, 2008

Brain Schools in Thailand

2016-11-17T15:49:04+00:00Education, Thailand|0 Comments

There was an article today in the Bangkok Post titled Brain Schools Gain Popularity, which discussed the glut of new schools popping up in Bangkok that purport to give youngsters a leg up in their cerebral analytical skills. It sounds a bit like quackery, but they do have a point. I love Thailand and Thai people but there's a serious lack of 'thinking on your feet' skills here; when presented with a situation that is different from a previously-described or planned situation, many Thais will simply freeze and shrink away from the problem like a snail on a salt plain.

16 01, 2008

Of Rice and Men

2016-11-17T15:49:05+00:00Fun Stuff, Thailand|0 Comments

My friend John recited something very funny to me today, a quote from around the 15th century from a Thai person describing the then-strange sight of white European explorers. We laughed a lot because, despite being written about half a millennium ago, it's still an amazingly succinct and strangely accurate description. I imagine that it still sums up your average Thai person's view of us whities.

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