Maybe it had to do with the rise of Craigslist, or maybe it was like this before I got here, but either way, scanning the job ads in a Thai newspaper can often be a bit of an eye-opener compared to the classifieds in western countries. I’ve written about resumes in Thailand before and the same crazy rules apply – put down stuff that you’d never be able to get away with back home and see what sticks. I came across this ad while perusing the paper today and thought it was kind of cute how specific they were.
I wonder where the line is for putting out a job ad and putting out a personals ad? I guess it appears somewhere around the ‘nude maid for hire’ ads that you see. Curiously, I’ve never seen those in Bangkok. Maybe it’s because of the language barrier? “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you wanted a nude old maid!”
At any rate, I can’t imagine what would happen if you put out a job ad in Canada that basically said, “No uglies or stinkies or fogies.” Or maybe things have changed in the years I’ve been away…
What, no cup size? I like how they want the ad to be in your own handwriting too, that’s a fairly odd request, isn’t it? If I applied for jobs in my own handwriting, I’d still be stocking shelves.
In my experience, job applicant criteria lists are usually driven by "lessons leared" from last time. Maybe her predecessor was a fugglie with poor handwriting. Love how the job title actually contains the word "female". Will that go on her business cards, do you think?
Maybe being a clean-smelling hottie is a BFOQ.