Momma always said that it’s very easy to get in what she called a ‘comfortable rut’, and she was right. After a while in any job/location/relationship/yoga position, you get comfortable; staying where you’re at is easier than moving on, and consequently, a lot of people never bother to change their situation. A drastic shakeup is usually not necessary, but a quick metaphorical head-shake is usually a great idea. That’s why as an expat, despite the fact you already live in an exotic land, it’s important to get out of Dodge every once in a while and get your compass realigned.

The first year or so in any new country with a suitably different culture is a pretty crazy time, full of adventure and with a huge learning curve that ensures you’re never bored. My first year in Thailand was like that – “this food is insane!” “This building is awesome!” “Wow, an elephant!” Despite the fact that most of my friends probably thought I was having Indiana Jones-style adventures, things inevitably start to get a bit old. “Wow, an elephant!” turns to “Huh, another elephant.” which turns to “Will somebody get this stupid elephant off the sidewalk?!”

But the very fact that we’re living in an exotic land sometimes gives us the notion we don’t need to leave. Believe it or not, after a while living in another country becomes – dare I say it? – boring. Well, maybe not boring, but routine. The very fact that you’re living overseas is evidence that somewhere deep down, you like to have your perspective tilted every once in a while. And you should make sure it happens!

Despite how cool it'd look, Norman Rockwell's original plan to include shark's fins at the bottom would likely have hurt his reputation.

Despite how cool it’d look, Norman Rockwell’s original plan to include shark’s fins at the bottom would likely have hurt his reputation.

A recent trip to Vietnam reminded me of this. While Hanoi rocks is a crazy-cool city that I’ve been to several times, it also reminded me just how awesome living in Bangkok is. For instance, in Hanoi, none of the street signs are in English, and the number of people that can speak it to any degree of comprehension is very small. While there, I asked for Aspirin at a drug store (well, I said it about five times and eventually had to write it down). The pills she gave me said Aspirin on them, but it was only after downing my second pill and the continuing pain from my headache did I notice they smelled like chlorine. I don’t know what the hell I ate but it sure wasn’t Aspirin. Bangkok’s mostly-modern transportation infrastructure, its relatively organized traffic flow and the fact that there is awesome food everywhere really made me appreciate how much I missed it here. Compared to my safe little bubble of comfort in Bangkok, Hanoi remains an exotic and extreme destination.

And don’t even get me started on India. While I truly love the huge, awful, amazing sub-continent and cherish the adjectival extremes it throws at you, a few days there will make you feel like you’ve left Earth completely. That, my friends, is stepping out of your comfort zone.

I saw this in Vietnam. Its either some type of warning, or an ad for a KISS tribute band with terrible makeup.

I saw this in Vietnam. Its either some type of warning, or an ad for a KISS tribute band with terrible makeup.

So, just some quick thoughts on forcing yourself to appreciate what you have, even though you may think you’re still a badass traveler. Living overseas is an exotic experience for sure, and it’s not easy. But once it becomes natural, reminding yourself that there’s still so much to see is something that everyone should do. Go out, get scared, and love it.