As with any place, the longer you stay there, the more you start to see things repeat themselves. Sometimes it’s every month, sometimes it’s every decade, but a lot of things tend to move in circles. One of these things that comes around every year in Thailand is the issue of how short the skirts of university girls should be. Every year the hemlines inch upward, and every year the Department of Anti-Turpitude gets quoted on the front page of the papers on how this isn’t Thai culture and the girls should be ashamed of themselves and why can’t they just dress like we did in the 1920’s? Far be it from me to be outraged at a bit of leg, but there actually have been a few times where I’ve done a double-take at the length (or lack thereof) of a skirt. One must be very careful how they walk if they’re to avoid a free show for those in the vicinity, which is what this girl did one day at Siam Square.

I’m not sure if she was doing this solely to prevent me from catching a glimpse, or if she just automatically does it on every escalator, but either way – if the electricity ever goes out and she has to climb the stairs, she better have an A3 sheet of paper instead of a piddly lil’ A4.

Note: I do not take pictures up girls' skirts. I just happened to be in the right, er... wrong place at the right.. uh... well, you know what I mean.

Note: I do not take pictures up girls’ skirts. I just happened to be in the right, er… wrong place at the right.. uh… well, you know what I mean.

Of course, it could always be worse (or better, depending on your point of view). For example, this is a picture I snapped in Hiroshima. I was, uh, trying to photograph that dancing guy/girl in the background but then this stupid half-naked schoolgirl ruined the shot.


Not seen: demons, tentacles, robots or Ultraman.

Not seen: demons, tentacles, robots or Ultraman.